5 Technology Trends Your Business Should Capitalize On


The technology available to consumers today is outstanding. Not just the amount, but the capabilities they have continue to increase. In this age of technology, it is important that your business not only keep up with trends, but try to stay ahead of them to remain competitive. Below, we’ve come up with a list of 5 trends to watch this year so you can stay ahead of the curve.

Increased Online Security

2015 had more than it’s fair share of headlining cyber-attacks (Ashley Madison, Sony, Primera Blue Cross and Experian). This year more than ever, it is important that you spend some quality time evaluating your company’s online security and make sure your customers feel safe and secure while using your site.

Virtual Reality

Two virtual reality devices are scheduled to hit consumer shelves in 2016 (the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive). With this, the way we interact with content is going to change dramatically. However, it’s not just gamers that should be excited about this new technology. Companies that start taking advantage of these systems sooner rather than later (example: using virtual reality for training purposes, virtual tours of merchandise for customers, etc.) will have a huge advantage. Keep in mind, virtual reality technology is still extremely infantile and it’s going to be awhile before you can utilize these systems to their full potential, but starting earlier will put you ahead of the competition.

Better Mobile Payment Technology

Mobile pay makes it easy for consumers to purchase products without having to get out a physical credit card. Since the introduction of Apple Pay, mobile payment technologies have significantly advanced and become more widespread. For many small to midsize businesses, it would be wise to get an IT professional to update current software to allow for mobile payments to keep your customers happy.

Widespread 3D Printing

3D printing technology has been garnering more and more attention as these printers become more advanced and more affordable. Investing in one for your company gives you endless possibilities - from printing your own marketing paraphernalia to printing your own circuit boards. And even better? Additive manufacturing does not produce waste. It’s a win-win.

Smart Offices

In keeping with previous trends, appliances of all kinds are becoming smarter and more high-tech. And now it’s easier than ever to control the thermostat, lights and security system of your home or office from a remote location. Smarter offices help conserve energy, which can end up saving you a lot in the long-run. 2016 is going to introduce us to a variety of new appliances that are going to save you time and money. Some will be available for purchase and some are just a concept to be further developed this year (like this fridge that can remind you to buy those office snacks you just ran out of).

What trends are you looking forward to watching develop this year? Let us know in the comments below!

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