Printing Your Business Cards at Home

DIY business cards
Via BVKGraphicDesign

Having a printer at home facilitates so much of what you had to get done professionally earlier: you can print season’s greetings at home, you can print your own photos, even print some great looking brochures for your home business. If follows then; that you can also use your printer to print your own business cards as well!

You can print as many as you want, use a typeface, color combination, layout and design that you likeā€¦ printing your own business cards can be quite a fun DIY project for you.

Create Your Own Design

diy business cards
via StudioEmbossed

Obviously the first step towards creating your DIY business cards is the design and format of your card. The bundled software in your computer could well have an app that would let you create your own business card design. For instance a power point presentation or similar program can help you create your own business card design or Word’s label template could help. You can also download specialized apps for such a project from the net. The third option is to use a readymade business card template from Avery or template from or several other online resources.

How to Print Your DIY Business Cards

You will need to use thicker, stiff, card paper for printing your business cards (photo paper may also work). You can buy pre-cut blank cards of the size you want or entire sheets for printing. If you get the pre-cut sizes, you will have to print your cards one at a time. This may be tricky because most printers will not accept such a small sized print sheet. If you print several at a time on one sheet, you will need to cut out the cards from the sheet.

diy business cards
Via Unusual Stock

If you decide to get blank business cards to print one by one, you can do the following: (a) create a design of your choice (b) take a regular print sheet, cut four slits into it and then insert each of the four corners of the blank business card into them. (c) Print as usual (you will of course have to ensure that your design is so laid out as to get printed on the business cart and not the remaining part of the sheet). (d) Insert another blank card into the slits of the same sheet and continue printing.

To print several business cards at once, create a grid of multiple card templates. Ensure that the borders of the grid are visible so that you find it easy to cut along the lines; to get the cards into the sizes required.

If you’ve never done something like this before, there may be some trial and error before you get it right. However you’re going to have fun doing this! Have you printed your own business cards? Or do you plan to after reading this post? If you do, we’d love to see how they turned out. Don’t be shy about showing us how your business cards turned out on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. And if you’d like to know about more such DIY posts, subscribe to our newsletter.

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