Simple Easter Smartphone Photography Tips

If you have an iPhone or any other smart phone, you know that the camera is one of the truly superlative features of the phone. Both iOS and Android operating systems are able to deliver stunning pictures for Easter effortlessly; even for those of us who don’t know much more about photography than the standard point and shoot. There is so much that you can do with that camera that some of us may not even be aware of.

We suggest that you put your phone camera though its paces this Easter Day. All the more reason to do this if you have your kids, grandkids, nephews, nieces and other extended family coming over for the holiday this year.

Simple Smartphone Photography Tips

1. Firstly, remember to take plenty of pictures. Some of us do still tend to cling to the mindset of the 36 exposure camera which needs overcoming. Keep taking pictures and don’t worry about the ones that went wrong. You can do the deleting later. After all, you don’t want to miss out on fun events that won’t pause or replay itself while you go back and delete unwanted images.

2. Don’t focus on just formal pictures. Now, as much we love to have those more formal pictures where everyone is posing and smiling, don’t forget about candid or random shots! Candid photography is not only more honest, it is actually a lot more fun. Kids running, taking a tumble, a toothless grin here, a wobbly frown there, the unplanned hug born out of sheer happiness, that excited dog getting in everyone’s way – you want to capture all this as it happens rather than have everyone act this out.

3. Make use of a natural light outdoors – this will probably give you the best pictures because there’s no issue of flash inadequacy here. Also incorporate natural elements such as a tree, flower or grass, the exterior of your home to form interesting backdrops. If you’re indoors ensure that the area is brightly lit to get the best pictures.

4. Don’t use the zoom! Picture quality tends to deteriorate because of this. Instead crop the photo (you can do this later) to cut out extraneous details or to frame the subject of the picture better.

Your Smartphone has features to get monochrome pictures, add sepia tints, background defocus and other filters. Learn to use Burst mode and Panorama mode to get some unique results. Play around with these and explore different possibilities such as textures, lighting, and frames and learn how to use exposure functions and shutter speeds beforehand. Don’t be scared of exploring your phone – you will be amazed and delighted at what you will discover and learn!

Easter Photography Tips

If you’ve ever photographed kids and pets, then you know how hard it is to make them keep still! So keep taking pictures and take lots or pictures! They are bound to yield at least some good results.
Kids are most likely to be dressed in their Sunday finery so have them show-off their smart outfits. Use fresh, colorful spring backdrops to get some lovely colors and contrasts in your pictures.

Record all activities. Our memories tend to leave out many details so take pictures of every little event –these will be delightful to go through later: pictures of the kids as they hug their granddad or a particularly favorite aunt in greeting. Pictures of them coloring Easter eggs or playing Easter games. A picture of dad and daughter as they have a quite little chat on the patio after a sibling disagreement. Pictures of that look of delight dawns on junior’s face as he is handed his favorite-est snack…. The baby and the balloon, the toddler and his fave truck…. The possibilities are endless!

Special Easter Treat For You

comboink photo paper

So once you take all photos, you might be thinking to yourself, now what? Of course, many of you would like to print out these photos and we have a special gift for you. After all, we know sometimes it just isn’t enough to scroll through pictures on a computer or mobile screen! Sometimes you need to hold that special picture, put up a bunch on the fridge or have some of the best ones framed because you want to see them there on the mantle all the time!

So we’re happy to say we’re offering a special Easter Photo Paper promotion**:** 20% discount on 4"x6" Glossy Photo Paper (100 sheets) ! You can use this coupon code: GL20 anytime before it expires on April 30th, 2015 at midnight (PST).

So here’s wishing you a very Happy Easter, along with an invitation to share any of your own pictures via our social networking pages. We’d love to hear about any photography tips that you’d like to share as well.

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