Tags: 3D Printed Prosthetics

3D Printed Car Parts, Human Parts, Oh My!

Katy Smith | Jul 25, 2016

The 3D Industry Shows No Signs of Slowing Is the 3D printing industry slumping? Not so, according to the Wohlers Report 2016. Major industrial players, such as Alcoa, are still substantially investing in 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing.

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Where Printers & Printer Cartridges Are Headed In the Next Decade

Denise Resendez | Jul 14, 2015

The inkjet printer was invented back in 1976. Yet, it took another 12 years before it actually became a consumer item that you and I could buy and use in our homes and offices.

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3D Printed Prosthetics: Exceptional & Affordable

Denise Resendez | May 20, 2015

It is like something out of one of his sci-fi films: Iron Man star, Robert Downey Junior recently presented a real, bionic arm to 7 year old Alex Pring.

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