Tags: Back to School supplies

Back-to-School Gadgets for College Freshmen

Katy Smith | Aug 16, 2016

Going to college is no doubt an exciting time for teenagers (and their parents). If you’re living on campus, there is the added stress of moving away from home.

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3 min read

Back to School Resources & Advice for Parents

Denise Resendez | Aug 08, 2015

It’s about now that time now parents or grandparents are preparing kids to return to school for a fresh term. The child may be a year older but not really any wiser.

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4 min read

ComboInk Printing Supplies – Back to School Special Event

Andrew Yeung | Aug 16, 2013

It is back to school time and parents are stocking up on all the necessary school supplies, stationery, books and binders, but most importantly computer supplies.

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2 min read